June 13 - July 22, 2016
Registration opens May 16

Cost: $10 per participant

 How does it work?

Teams of 2-10 Iowans compete in a web-based competition tracking water consumption and minutes of physical activity. Each team member will report their weekly total in effort to accumulate points and move their team up the challenge leaderboard.

Burst Your Thirst participants will receive:
•    Live Healthy Iowa water bottle
•    Weekly email containing hydration tips, healthy recipes and fun summer activity ideas
•    Personal tracking page on the Live Healthy Iowa website
•    Unlimited access to recipes, videos, workouts and health information on the Live Healthy Iowa website
•    Opportunities to win prizes and incentives

Click here for answers to frequently asked questions about the challenge!

Questions? Contact Live Healthy Iowa at 888-777-8881 or info@livehealthyiowa.org.

More Information
Dates 06/13/16 - 07/22/16
Price $10.00
Type Activity, Quantitative
Participants 1600
Duration 6 Weeks
Administrator Tools
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