Team Goals

  • Your team has completed 11866 of it's 840 minutes goal.

    Congratulations! Your team reached it's goal.
  • Your team has completed 19769 of it's 1344 ounces goal.

    Congratulations! Your team reached it's goal.
  • Your team has completed 11866 of it's 1680 minutes goal.

    Congratulations! Your team reached it's goal.
  • Your team has completed 19769 of it's 2688 ounces goal.

    Congratulations! Your team reached it's goal.
  • Your team has completed 11866 of it's 2940 minutes goal.

    Congratulations! Your team reached it's goal.
  • Your team has completed 19769 of it's 4032 ounces goal.

    Congratulations! Your team reached it's goal.
  • Your team has completed 19769 of it's 8064 ounces goal.

    Congratulations! Your team reached it's goal.
  • Your team has completed 11866 of it's 10080 minutes goal.

    Congratulations! Your team reached it's goal.
  • Your team has completed 19769 of it's 13000 ounces goal.

    Congratulations! Your team reached it's goal.
Team Stats
Participants 4
Activity 11866 min. (2966 avg.)
Ounces 19769 Ounces (4942 avg.)
Leaderboards Activity, Quantitative
Full Leaderboard
Collins Aerospace Leaderboard
More Information
Captain Mikel Beem
Challenge 2020 Burst Your Thirst Challenge
Organization Collins Aerospace
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