Team Goals

  • Your team has completed 32306 of it's 1000 minutes goal.

    Congratulations! Your team reached it's goal.
  • Your team has completed 32306 of it's 5000 minutes goal.

    Congratulations! Your team reached it's goal.
  • Your team has completed 32306 of it's 10000 minutes goal.

    Congratulations! Your team reached it's goal.
  • Your team has completed 32306 of it's 20000 minutes goal.

    Congratulations! Your team reached it's goal.
  • Your team has completed 32306 of it's 30000 minutes goal.

    Congratulations! Your team reached it's goal.
  • Your team has completed 30594 of it's 4000 ounces goal.

    Congratulations! Your team reached it's goal.
Team Stats
Participants 8
Activity 32306 min. (4038 avg.)
Ounces 30594 Ounces (3824 avg.)
Leaderboards Activity, Quantitative
Full Leaderboard
IMT Insurance Leaderboard
More Information
Captain Jacob Christy
Challenge 2021 Burst Your Thirst Challenge
Organization IMT Insurance
System Information - 275ms - 4.19