Team Goals

  • Your team has completed 20179 of it's 2000 minutes goal.

    Congratulations! Your team reached it's goal.
  • Your team has completed 20179 of it's 8000 minutes goal.

    Congratulations! Your team reached it's goal.
  • Your team has completed 24232 of it's 5000 ounces goal.

    Congratulations! Your team reached it's goal.
  • Your team has completed 24232 of it's 10000 ounces goal.

    Congratulations! Your team reached it's goal.
  • Your team has completed 20179 of it's 15000 minutes goal.

    Congratulations! Your team reached it's goal.
  • Your team has completed 24232 of it's 15000 ounces goal.

    Congratulations! Your team reached it's goal.
  • Your team has completed 24232 of it's 20000 ounces goal.

    Congratulations! Your team reached it's goal.
Team Stats
Participants 5
Activity 20179 min. (4035 avg.)
Ounces 24232 Ounces (4846 avg.)
Leaderboards Activity, Quantitative
Full Leaderboard
CRST, The Transportation Solution Leaderboard
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