September 13 - October 22, 2021
Registration open August 16
Cost: $10 per participant

Teams of 2-10 Iowans will compete in a web-based competition tracking the number of "steps" achieved each week.  Each week, team members will report their step count in effort to move their team up the challenge leaderboard.

Participants receive:
•    Live Healthy Iowa pedometer (if desired)
•    Personal dashboard with option to sync apps and devices
•    Weekly email with healthy resources and tips to get you moving
•    Access to online tools and resources
•    Opportunity to win team and individual prizes

More Information
Dates 09/13/21 - 10/01/21
Price $10.00
Type Quantitative
Participants 1329
Duration 3 Weeks
System Information - 215ms - 4.19